المغرب يمدد حالة الطوارئ إلى 31 ماي المقبل
Covid19: Extension of health emergency state until May 31, 2022 (Council of Government)
Rabat – The Council of Government, meeting on Thursday, decided to extend the duration of effect of the state of health emergency throughout the national territory until May 31, 2022, as part of efforts to curb the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Council of Government thus adopted draft decree No. 2.22.311 extending the duration of effect of the state of health emergency throughout the national territory, presented by the Minister of the Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, indicated the Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, government spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas during a press briefing at the end of this council.
This project aims to extend the duration of effect of the state of health emergency throughout the national territory, from Saturday April 30, 2022 from 6 p.m. until Tuesday May 31, 2022 at 6 p.m., specified the Minister.
الملك محمد السادس يهنئ ماكرون بولاية ثانية
HM the King congratulates Mr. Emmanuel Macron on his re-election as President of the French Republic.
In this message, HM the King expresses His congratulations to Mr. Macron, expressing His wishes for success in the pursuit of the mission of the re-elected President.
The Sovereign also welcomes the depth
of the multidimensional ties that unite the Moroccan and French peoples
حادثة مروعة بالدارالبيضاء، شرطي تحت المجهر التحقيقCasablanca: Serious Road Accident, A Policeman Under Investigation.
The prefectural police of Casablanca opened a judicial investigation Thursday evening, under the supervision of the competent prosecutor’s office, to determine the circumstances of a traffic accident which caused the death of a road user and the serious injury of two girls, as well as the alleged responsibility of a motorcycle police officer in this incident.
According to preliminary information from findings at the accident site, an element of the biker brigade under the Anfa police district chased a motorcycle carrying three people, including two girls, which caused a traffic accident that resulted in the death of the biker, while the two girls who accompanied him were seriously injured, said the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) in a press release.
The judicial police in charge of the investigation proceeded to download a set of digital content from the surveillance cameras which filmed the accident, with a view to clarifying the true circumstances of the intervention of the biker policeman and his involvement in the incident, in addition to hearing eyewitnesses, said the DGSN.
The biker policeman was placed in police custody as part of the judicial investigation conducted by the prefectural judicial police department under the supervision of the competent public prosecutor’s office, in order to shed light on the ins and outs of this case and to determine possible violations and abuses attributed to the police officer in question, noted the same source.
التعليقات مغلقة.